Major European MG Events

We are now ready to accept registrations of MG fans from all around Europe to our Jubilee Rally “40 Years MG Owners Club Austria” from the 19th – 22nd of June 2025. We would be happy to welcome MGs from many countries to help us celebrate this occasion. The Rally will be held in a wonderful region in the middle of Austria which is easily accessible from all directions. The motorway A9 passes directly by the hub of our venue. Two days of motoring through the most scenic parts of Austria, some culturally interesting visits and good food and wine will all have their place in our birthday celebration.
I am appending a handout in English and in German for your members and would be very happy if you could spread the news. All in all we can accommodate 60 vehicles and there are 40 starting slots still available (first come, first served). The registration fee is EUR 490.—and for members of any national MG-Club EUR 390.--. The hotels need to be booked by the participants themselves and the registration document, which you will find on our website contains a list of available hotels.
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